A CHRISKids holiday

Happy new year!

We hope our clients and friends are enjoying a great 2015 so far.

I want to give a belated shout-out to our team, friends and clients for their generosity back in December: At the end of our annual holiday party, we were grateful to find that we had collected about 100 toys – everything from dolls to bicycles – to donate to the children served by CHRISKids, a wonderful Atlanta nonprofit whose mission is “to heal children, strengthen families and build community.”


CHRISKids provides children, adults and families with high-quality, trauma-informed behavioral health services and support systems, and I’m so grateful for all that they do. It made our holidays much brighter to be able to help make the holidays special for the kids of CHRISKids.

(And no, as big an honor as it would be to have such a great organization named after me, “CHRIS” stands for Creativity, Honor, Respect, Integrity and Safety.)

If you’re ever looking for a great organization to support, check out the CHRISKids website.

~Chris Dehmer